Introducing Yoko

[[[English follows Japanese]]

The program that I’m going to attend [[for graduate school]] will give me an actual network of people that I can work with; there are 119 nationalities on the program. It’s awesome. [[Speaking about SDGs,]] it would be really nice to see or to create a social venture that brings Japanese corporates and sustainable startups from different countries together; or a collaboration between Japanese startups and international startups to create change not only for B2C but also in the whole supply chain system–because supply chains affect not only one country or company. It’s about collaboration and creating a platform that can be accessed by different players along the line, whether it’s in sustainable fashion or coffee production . . . The other thing I’m passionate about is dancing, contemporary dance, something I’ve done since I was three years old. When it comes to dance, you need to use all of your body, mind and soul–all of it–and right at the same time. You have your sequence in your mind; you have the inspiration for what kind of energy you want to put into your muscles; and then your body starts to move itself. It’s amazing.

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