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millennialsoftokyo (MoTKY)は、東京のクリエイティブxイノベーティブxグローバルな若者が集まるコミュニティー。それぞれの体験やストーリーを共有し合いそこから自然と生まれる人の繋がりは社会に新しい価値を創造する原動力となるとMoTKYは信じています。



・MoTKY InstagramアカウントかFacebookページにモデルとして載っていただく


・Instagram /Facebookアカウントでフォローといいね!






millennialsoftokyo (MoTKY) brings together Tokyo’s most creative, innovative, and global young people. Through storytelling, networking, and collaboration, MoTKY’s community aims to enrich how we view the world, enabling us to create new value in our communities.


Here’s how you can be part of the community:

<3 Be featured on our IG channel/FB page

<3 Suggest global and creative/innovative friends we can feature

<3 Volunteer with us (We are all volunteers)

<3 Like/follow us on IG & FB

<3 Send us ideas for projects, stories, or events. Anything is fine.


We think Tokyo is an amazing city. But it can be even more awesome with your—and your network’s—support!

Sign up for the newsletter

Join the FB Group

Join us on Facebook, where you can share the projects you are working on and your upcoming events.